
Beyond the Horizon


A Report on Thursday's Quiz by Atharv Joshi.

AFA Thinkin' Caps started off its log book with a quiz conducted by member Atharv.

Titled "Horizon - The Beyond Quiz", the quiz was on weird and random topics ranging from esoteric connects to puzzling language to obvious answers to straightforward guesswork, in all, the quiz was made to be a bheja fry affair. The whole quiz got over in 30 minutes after a pretty late start, so the victor of the quiz remains undecided. 

The next quiz - a part of AFA Thinkin' Caps will be held by our member Pratham Y. on Thursday, with the topic being aviation.

Atharv's Quiz, "Horizon" can be found below. 

<iframe width=100% height=560px frameborder=0 src=https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=false&embedded=true&srcid=0B-SzUCivARguMDgyYjE3ZGEtYzkyNS00MDBkLTlhOTktYzk4MDg0ZTgwNmQ0&hl=en></iframe>


2) Submitted by JK
Identify this German born British-astronomer who discovered two of its major moons, Titania and Oberon.
(to be answered in the comments section with the respective question number)

Two Quizzes for the Price of One

A report of the 2 AFA Quizzes held on 30th October 2010 by Atharv Joshi

30th October 2010

The stage was set. After weeks of waiting there was gonna be a quiz @ AFA. As planned before, our member Ved Caculo, a medical student himself, was going to give us a 'taste' of his profession by setting a Medical Quiz, his first experience at Q'Mming! It was short and sweet, 21 questions in all and had the Medical 'Touch' of professionalism in it. The terms used left us gawking and without the help of our QM, who was a little too helpful, spilling out a couple of clues. All in all, the quiz was quite crackable, with Atharv getting 180 points followed by a couple of 160s.

The next surprise, took me aback too, when I was told that I would be hosting the next quiz, which was prepared probably a month back. Titled 'Discovery', the quiz was on Inventors, Inventions, Discoverers, Discoveries and Everything in Between. With 20 questions in all, the quiz was quite a surprise to new budding quizzers who didn't have a clue about SEQC style quizzing. The questions were a bit off topic, but stretching too much on one point was what the QM had stressed on. Topping with 150 points was Akshay Rege, a seasoned quizzer and AFA member.

Expect to be Quizzed! The next AFA quiz, AFA # 14 will be held on 13th or 20th November, with the things being tentative at this point.

Which space transportation vehicle gets its name from this fictional spaceship?
Cracked by Jayant & Atharv


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