Sunday, November 28, 2010

An AirBorne Experience

A Report on Saturday's Quiz by Atharv Joshi.

A quiz on Aviation was the next Thinking Caps Activity. This was conducted my member Pratham Y.

It was a calm Thursday, a bit cloudy for observation, but the mood was shifted towards quizzing that day. While preps for the Star Party were on, the members, 10 in number, settled down for the modest 20-question quiz.

We were promised of an easy going by our QM, the 20 questions concerned modern aviation, with a little bit of history (which was unwelcomed for). Besides the questions on Scramjets to Boeings to Airlines to Years... the quiz was well designed as well.

At the end, we found out that 4 of the respondents had 13 questions right, so we had 'multiple' winners this time around! At the end of it, the sky cleared up, and proceedings went on as usual.

The content can be found below and on this link, try answering it if yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Nice,it would been better if the answers were given with additional information.congratulation.


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